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Community Beach Cleanup with Garbage Gang

  • April 23, 2022
  • 9:30 AM
  • Cranberry Road Beach Approach

Beach Cleanup

Are you ready to get back outdoors with a few "Friends"/friends? See some “old” friends, meet some new ones? Then come join the Friends of the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge for Grassroots Garbage Gang’s community Beach Cleanup!

  • When: Saturday, April 23 at 9:30 a.m.—rain or shine
  • Where: Cranberry Road beach approach

The Friends’ assigned beach is about a mile north of Cranberry Road. Come in your own four-wheel-drive vehicle or hitch a ride with a Friends member. Get signed in, grab a bag and picker-upper, and we will leave shortly after 9:30 am. Just look for a "Friendly"-looking group!

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