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Planning Your Visit

Willapa National Wildlife Refuge is over 17,000 acres of tidelands, temperate rainforest, ocean beaches, and small streams. It also includes several rare remnants of old growth coastal cedar forest. The Refuge is a great place to see what the Pacific Northwest looked like over 100 years ago as it preserves habitat for spawning wild salmon, hundreds of thousands of migrating shorebirds, and threatened species such as the Western Snowy Plover and Marbled Murrelet, .

The Refuge consists of multiple units in southwest Washington state around south Willapa Bay and at the northern tip of the Long Beach Peninsula. Each Refuge unit offers various hiking, wildlife viewing, and other activities. 

The Refuge headquarters is at the southern end of Willapa Bay at the east end of 67th Place, off Sandridge Road. Trails at South Bay are near the Refuge headquarters, and also at the east end of 95th Street. These include the trail to South Bay Overlook, Tarlatt Slough and Parker Point Trails, and Porter Point Loop Trail.

Leadbetter Point is at the very northern end of the Long Beach Peninsula north of Leadbetter Point State Park. Both the Refuge and park areas include multiple access points and hiking trails.

Long Island is in Willapa Bay, accessible by water. Teal Slough and Greenhead Slough are located on Highway 101 on the east side of the bay, north and south of the old Refuge headquarters. 

Detailed information on hiking trails and wildlife viewing are on these pages:

Detailed maps of refuge units and trail descriptions

Getting Here

The Refuge Headquarters is located at 7112 67th Place, Long Beach, Washington.

From Highway 101, go north at the intersection of Sandridge Road. Turn right (east) onto 67th Place and proceed to end of the road. Go through the refuge gate; the road will curve around to the parking area at the top of the hill.

Other nearby Wildlife Refuges

Pacific County Tourism

Additional information on visiting the Long Beach and Willapa Bay area can be found at the Long Beach Peninsula Visitor’s Bureau


No dogs are permitted at any unit of the Refuge, including trails and parking lots.

For the protection of wildlife and the enjoyment of other visitors, please leave your pets at home.

During waterfowl hunting season, dogs may be used to retrieve downed birds to prevent waste while hunting waterfowl.

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