Our mission is to support programs and enhance awareness and appreciation of Willapa NWR. You can help us reach our goals with a tax-free contribution.
Many people want to help but do not have the time to volunteer. Donating is an easy way to help protect our wonderful, unique Refuge. The Friends is a 501(c)(3) organization, and your donations may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Your donation will allow Refuge staff and the Friends to succeed as environmental leaders. With support from donors like you, we provide funding for projects like these:
Wings Over Willapa—our premiere birding and wildlife festival - has time-driven donation window with benefits
Environment education for Pacific County 4th graders
Scholarships for students planning environmental careers
Educational opportunities for adults, such as talks by science leaders
A dedicated fund to create educational tools at the future Visitor Center at Refuge headquarters
Replace Bay Trail Loop sign
To donate to our worthy endeavors for the Refuge, please complete the form below. If you want to donate for a specific item, please specify it in the comments.
Donating In Memory/In Tribute:
Want to contribute in memory or in honor of someone special? Please include that in the comment field and add to whom and where we should send an acknowledgement.
Friends of Willapa National Wildlife Refuge PO Box 845 Ocean Park, WA 98640 Email info@friendsofwillaparefuge.org