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Volunteer Opportunities!

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

The Friends invite you to join a dedicated and enthusiastic small group working to support the restoration, conservation, and educational services of the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge. This is your chance to make a difference in your community and use your time and skills to support our unique and wonderful wildlife refuge.

Currently, the Friends need additional Board Members. These positions are vital to keeping the organization going! Currently there are five board members, but two long-serving members are leaving at the end of the year. Without additional board members, we will not be able to support many of the activities we currently undertake.

We meet once a month, oversee the organization’s finances, support an annual fourth-grade Education Program, and work with Refuge staff to develop and lead special projects such as constructing the Tarlatt Overlook and Art Tables at the new headquarters. We also help organize events to promote the Refuge, including the annual Wings Festival, barge trips to Long Island, seasonal monthly hikes, and many other activities.

Without additional board members, we will not be able to continue bringing these activities to the community and promoting the Refuge to a regional audience.

Please email us to talk more about these opportunities:

Board Positions Available


The President oversees the administration of Friends, provides leadership for the Board, and is the primary contact with Refuge staff. The President also facilitates monthly board meetings and assures the opinion and comments of all board members are considered and respected. Other responsibilities include overseeing legal requirements and maintaining current Refuge agreements.

Vice President

The Vice President is a flexible position that supports both the President and the Board in multiple ways, depending on current board activities. Typical responsibilities may include performing the President’s responsibilities when they are not available, carrying out special assignments, and representing the Friends at conferences and events.


The Secretary reports to the Board Chair and full Board. This position provides administrative and clerical support to the board through timely and accurate collection and sharing of information directly related to its activities. This supports meetings, legal requirements of a non-profit, and may interact with the public for board correspondence and information.


Members at large provide the oversight and hands-on actions that help to make the Friends a successful organization. They attend monthly meetings and participate in activities that interest them. Examples include: oversight of the scholarship program; helping with coordination, grant writing, and soliciting sponsorships for the Wings Over Willapa Wildlife Festival; coordinating barge trips to Long Island; and helps oversee any of the Friends special projects such as the recent Convergence Art Tables. 

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